Thank you for your interest in UC San Diego’s BioChemCoRe program. Note that we will not be accepting applications for the Summer of 2020. Please check back in January 2021 for the updated guidelines and application materials.
BioChemCoRe (formerly known as CompChemBioCAMP) was conceived and initially launched as a program aimed at increasing the retention of talented young women in science. The uniquely multi-faceted approach BioChemCoRe takes to encourage female scientists stems from the belief that a career in research extends beyond the laboratory. BioChemCoRe considers learning from experience essential to a student’s progress and building a strong network crucial for the student’s continued success. BioChemCoRe also recognizes the importance of exposure to international perspectives, especially in light of the exponential advancements in communication technology that allow more and more scientists from across the globe to collaborate and synchronize efforts.While the program has since expanded to include local students of both genders who are interested in computational sciences.
BioChemCoRe has evolved and is now a diverse outreach program in computational chemistry and biology that include local students of both genders who are interested in computational sciences. Our summer program allows significant opportunities to explore a variety of interests through work on projects ranging from the use of computational biophysics to explore dynamic molecular recognition events, to applying multi-scale modeling to fully elucidate a protein from the molecular to the subcellular level. It is a dynamic summer internship program dedicated to nurturing the vast potential each student possesses, and challenging him or her to always consider science in the context of societal needs.